Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Film Izlemek 2017
devam : 146 an Votum
oylanan şey sayı : 5.9/10 (29337 oy kullanmak)
cins : AVCHD 1080p
gösterme : 4219
sanat : Militär , Regierung
numaralamak : 4.2/10 (27288 Wahlresultat)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 2017 Film Izlemek
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Film Izlemek-yandex-720p-2017-ganzer film-MPE-Dolby Digital-kostenlos-HDTS-HDTV-ganzer film-DVD-DTS-MPG.mp4
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2-sinema-cekimi-1080p-2017-englisch-720p-film-DAT-SDDS-online anschauen-MPEG-2-stream-DVDScr-Dolby Digital.png
I didn’t enjoy this as much as the first one. Too long — could have been about 30 minutes shorter. I don’t mind long movies, but they shouldn’t feel long. There’s some good humour throughout the movie and the characters are enjoyable, particularly Rocket who is my favourite! Story is pretty thin. Some good action sequences, of course. Overall, an average movie. Has lost some of the freshness of the original.
_Logan_, 2017's first Marvel offering, was a movie I loved because of just how little it relied on its comic book origins, completely forgoing the superhero tropes and going in its own unique and totally enthralling direction.
_Guardians 2_ however, is a movie I loved because of just how intensely it embraced its comic book origins. The Kirby-isms shine through brilliantly and every couple of minutes I found myself grinning like an idiot at some new reference or stylistic choice.
_Logan_ might be the super hero movie for people who don't like super hero movies. _Guardians 2_ is the super hero movie for people who have steeped themselves deeply in the lore of super heroes. But I absolutely adore them both for the same reason: How they made me **feel**.
_Final rating:★★★★ - An all round good movie with a little something extra._
The David Hasselhoff of all reviews, obviously.
Do you have any tape?
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, directed by James Gunn, is an action-packed Marvel comedy. The guardians unravel the mysteries of Star-lord aka Peter Quill's (Chris Pratt) broken history while avoiding constant danger. Oh. And did I mention the soundtrack? Muy bueno! 8)
Unlike most sequels, Vol. 2 might actually be better than Vol. 1.
The entire cast is more likable than the first film. Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista) has more comedic lines like, "When you're ugly and someone loves you, it means they love you for who you are."
Rocket Racoon (Bradley Cooper) still maintains a sentimental but adorably tough persona. And Baby Groot is cute as ever whenever he says,"I am groot." In his baby-voice.
One of the more noticeable differences is the relationship between Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and Star-lord. It's not as intimate. We were all hoping for a sci-fi sex scene. We don't get it!
The fight scenes are nothing less than spectacular. There's a scene with Yondu (Michael Rooker) where he's using a whistle-controlled weapon to kill an entire space crew of villains ALL IN SLOW-MOTION!
Just go watch the film. It's worth it for the cgi-artwork alone.
“Guardian’s are back to save the galaxy once again”
I felt in this movie the true star was baby Groot the part that how he understands and gives out his understandings in his own style which makes us laugh out loud. Got to see a funny side in Drax the before edition he was always angry this one he always laughs I like the part he keeps saying positive things and suddenly ends it with a negative touch. Now to talk about gamora and quill love is in the air but she keeps denying it. Quills line “We keep searching for something our whole life and we never realize that it has been with us the whole time”. Always hated yondu but this movie made me change. Did not get to see Thanos, I know he is been kept for the big picture. Rockets awesome one liners especially TASERFACE made me burst out with laughter. An awesome family entertainer with action comedy and adventure. And not to forget mantis she was so freaking innocent. Waiting patiently for the next part in this series loved this one. would recommend this movie for everyone.
Notable Acting
Chris Pratt (Peter Quill/Star-Lord) famous for his acting in Jurassic World
Zoe Saldana (Gamora) famous for her acting in Avatar and Star Trek into darkness
Dave Bautista (Drax) he is a famous WWE wrestler and also acted in movies like 007 spectre
Vin Diesel (Baby Groot) famous for his movie series fast and furious
Bradley Cooper (Rocket) famous for his movies like silver linings playbook and the hangover
Michael Rooker (Yondu)
Karen Gillan (Nebula) famous for the movie Oculus and the tv series Doctor Who
Pom Klementieff (Mantis)
Kurt Russell (Ego) famous for his movies the hateful eight, the thing and death proof
My Rating 10/10
**Guardians' date with the creator.**
The first film was the most unexpected. That was one of the most colourfull space films I have ever seen. Youthful, energetic, fantastic visuals and so the same followed in this sequel as well. Not the same good, but stood to the expectation of the first film's success. This story does not have a great adventure in the galaxy. A simple quest, but a thrilling action-adventure. Now this accidental space gang is set to meet the creator.
It's time for Peter to meet his father, Ego. As he still upset with his mother's death, his encounter with his father was not as expectedly smooth. On the other side of the story, Rocket, Yandu, Baby Groot make their escape from the captivity. They all end up on the Ego's planet where the rest of the film going to take place. Being the guardians of the galaxy, their fight against the whoever threaten the safety of the universe once again tested with their strength as a team.
James Gunn did it again. And I'm confident that he's going to do the same for next as well. All the actors were fantastic like the previous film. This time, little fun with little Groot. Anybody who loved the first would love it too. Being a franchise from Marvel universe, it is yet to join the 'Avengers'. So far so good. I'm now expecting one of the best of best trilogies. Bring it on the volume 3.
I hate this movie. I'm fine and quite proud to be in the minority with this one. I can't stand how Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 thinks family dynamic is just two people bickering about how much daddy didn't love them as kids. It makes no sense to me why James Gunn or Marvel think that every scene needs to have multiple jokes thrown in no matter what the tone of the scene is supposed to be. Drax's overused laugh was annoying. Yes, I get it, Baby Groot is dumb. Hahaha.... Oh, now you're ugly shaming a character and playing it for jokes?
One note characters, a stupid plot of nothing interesting happening, and of course Starlord's father, a celestial, is nothing more than an evil being setting out to destroy the universe. Does Marvel not realize that villains can have other kinds of motivation?
The only two good things about this movie are the soundtrack and the fact that the events have no effect on the overarching MCU plot. So next time I do a Marvel marathon, I can skip over this trash.
This film is a big "watch and learn" nudge to poorly directed comic book films. James Gunn showed us how to effectively use humor to ante up the storytelling, and even took us to Slow-motion 101 Class.
I AM MARY POPPINS Y'ALL! Glorious cameos and easter eggs. Not gonna speak much about it to avoid spoilers. Great movie.
VISUALS VISUALS! VISUALS! If only my eyes and my head can take it, I would love to watch this on 3D. The team did a superb job on this one!
Awesome Mix Number 2 was amazing! The songs and how they were strategically scored in every scene set up the right mood. Got their playlist on repeat!
It feels like Vin Diesel influenced the film too much. His #FAMILY theme from the Fast and Furious franchise was all over the film!
You can clearly see that Marvel trusted James Gunn. Everything he did, even the slapstick-LooneyToon-ish kind of humor were perfect. He clearly had fun conceptualizing and visualizing everything.
Solid character development and motivation. Can't gush about it now to avoid spoilers. All I can say is: "Watch it."
Two words: BABY GROOT! Groot was there to make the nerds' wives and girlfriends stay and watch the film. He's cute, adorable and everything that your Disney princesses would love!
The villain, like any other Marvel villains except Loki, sucks. Unclear motivations + can be defeated by the power of love. You know, all that jazz. But aside from that, the entire movie was a very enjoyable watch.
Overall, the second installment delivered very well. It was crazier than the first film, and it was packed with better character development and AWESOME VISUALS! Must....resist spoiling the film.
Not as fun as the first one, but it was still jam-packed with all a Marvel movie will be: humor, action, drama, and BABY GROOT!
Baby Groot was so, so cute! Honestly, I'd pay to watch a whole movie with just Baby Groot as the focus.
What would you get when you put together a group of misfits and call it a day? Hilarious, full of classic songs and drama that you should not miss.
It is a pretty good sequel to Volume 1. What we thought to be an epic dad-son moment was just a facade, and honestly, to Quill, who just wanted a father all this time, it was a bit sad.
[HD] Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 2017 Film Izlemek
Kısa film
Harcandı : $824,146,907
Gelir : $993,373,153
Kategoriler : Liebe - Horrorfilm , Egal - Du Son , Kannibale - Barmherzigkeit , Heroisch - Reality Fear Object Magic
Üretici Ülke : Kroatien
Prodüksiyon : Lightbox
حراس المجرة 2 ويكيبيديا ~ عالم مارفل السينمائي الترتيب 15 ، وGuardians of the Galaxy film series لغات أخرى الترتيب 2، وMarvel Cinematic Universe Phase Three لغات أخرى الترتيب 3، وMarvel Cinematic Universe The Infinity Saga لغات أخرى الترتيب 15
غرير العسل ويكيبيديا ~ غُرَيْر العَسَل أو غريراء العسل بالفرنسية Ratelأو بالإنجليزية Honey Badger حيوان من جنس الغرير ينتمي إلى فصيلة ابن عرسيعيش في أفريقيا ومناطق جنوب وغرب آسيا مثل بلوشستان وشرق إيران وجنوب العراق والسعودية و جنوب سلطنة عمان
كوريا الجنوبية وأسلحة الدمار الشامل ويكيبيديا ~ الطموحات النووية المبكرة عندما أبلغت الولايات المتحدة حكومة كوريا الجنوبية بخطتها لسحب القوات الأمريكية من كوريا في يوليو 1970، درست كوريا الجنوبية إمكانية تأسيس برنامج نووي مستقل تحت إشراف لجنة تطوير الأسلحة في
فرقة بانزر ليهر ويكيبيديا ~ بانزر ليهر فرقة مدرعة ألمانية نخبوية خلال الحرب العالمية الثانيةتم تشكيلها في عام 1943 فصاعدًا من قوات التدريب المتمركزة في ألمانيا، لتوفير قوة مدرعة إضافية لغزو الحلفاء المتوقع لأوروبا الغربية
الجدول الزمني للنساء في الحرب والخدمة العسكرية في الولايات ~ 2 نوفمبر قُتلت فرانسيس فيغا، الجندية بجيش الولايات المتحدة، جراء صواريخ أرضجو أُطلقت من قبل مسلحين في الفلوجة، على طائرة هليكوبتر من طراز شينوك والتي كانت فيها
الخاقان بومين ويكيبيديا ~ هذه مقالة غير مراجعةينبغي أن يزال هذا القالب بعد أن يراجعها محرر عدا الذي أنشأها؛ إذا لزم الأمر فيجب أن توسم المقالة بقوالب الصيانة المناسبة نوفمبر 2012
ستيغانوغرافي ويكيبيديا ~ تعريف إخفاء المعلومات هو فن وعلم من كتابة الرسائل المخفية بطريقة لا أحد غير المرسل والمتلقي يشتبه في وجود الرسالة، وهو شكل من أشكال الأمن من خلال الغموضو ستيغانوغرافي الكلمة من أصل يوناني وتعني “الكتابة المخفية”
كلو بروس ويكيبيديا ~ كلو بروس شخصية خيالية، بدأت كلو بروس تدريبها في سن الثامنة بعد مشاهدة تدريب أخيها بدأت مع رياضة تانغ سو دو، وفي سن التاسعة قيل لها أنها أفضل من المتوسط، وعندما اصبح عمرها 10 سنوات كانت تشارك بالمنافسات وفازت بلقب WKA British
إيران وأسلحة الدمار الشامل ويكيبيديا ~ إيران وأسلحة الدمار الشامل من المواضيع التي سببت الصراعات بين الجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية مع بعض الحكومات الغربية حيث واجهت اتهامات عديدة من قبل هذه الدول متكررا بأنها تحاول التطوير الأسلحة البيولوجية
كريس برات ويكيبيديا ~ الحياة الشخصية التقى كريس برات بالممثلة آنا فاريس خلال تصوير فيلم خذني إلى المنزل الليلة في 2007 أعلنت خطوبتهما بعد سنتين وتزوجا في بالي في 9 يوليو 2009 وعاشا في منطقة هوليوود هيلز بلوس أنجلوس، كاليفورنيا
The Guardians must fight to keep their newfound family together as they unravel the mysteries of Peter Quill's true parentage.
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2-seans-bursa-hd-film-izleme-sitesi-fılım-ızle-2016-filmi-full-hd-izle-www-sinema-izle-com-fi-filmi-izle-www-filmizlesene-com-tr-hd-filmn-izle-fillm-izlee-hd-film-izleme-hd-izle-film--1440p-MP4.jpg
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Film Izlemek 2017
devam : 146 an Votum
oylanan şey sayı : 5.9/10 (29337 oy kullanmak)
cins : AVCHD 1080p
gösterme : 4219
sanat : Militär , Regierung
numaralamak : 4.2/10 (27288 Wahlresultat)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 2017 Film Izlemek
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Film Izlemek-yandex-720p-2017-ganzer film-MPE-Dolby Digital-kostenlos-HDTS-HDTV-ganzer film-DVD-DTS-MPG.mp4
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2-sinema-cekimi-1080p-2017-englisch-720p-film-DAT-SDDS-online anschauen-MPEG-2-stream-DVDScr-Dolby Digital.png
I didn’t enjoy this as much as the first one. Too long — could have been about 30 minutes shorter. I don’t mind long movies, but they shouldn’t feel long. There’s some good humour throughout the movie and the characters are enjoyable, particularly Rocket who is my favourite! Story is pretty thin. Some good action sequences, of course. Overall, an average movie. Has lost some of the freshness of the original.
_Logan_, 2017's first Marvel offering, was a movie I loved because of just how little it relied on its comic book origins, completely forgoing the superhero tropes and going in its own unique and totally enthralling direction.
_Guardians 2_ however, is a movie I loved because of just how intensely it embraced its comic book origins. The Kirby-isms shine through brilliantly and every couple of minutes I found myself grinning like an idiot at some new reference or stylistic choice.
_Logan_ might be the super hero movie for people who don't like super hero movies. _Guardians 2_ is the super hero movie for people who have steeped themselves deeply in the lore of super heroes. But I absolutely adore them both for the same reason: How they made me **feel**.
_Final rating:★★★★ - An all round good movie with a little something extra._
The David Hasselhoff of all reviews, obviously.
Do you have any tape?
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, directed by James Gunn, is an action-packed Marvel comedy. The guardians unravel the mysteries of Star-lord aka Peter Quill's (Chris Pratt) broken history while avoiding constant danger. Oh. And did I mention the soundtrack? Muy bueno! 8)
Unlike most sequels, Vol. 2 might actually be better than Vol. 1.
The entire cast is more likable than the first film. Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista) has more comedic lines like, "When you're ugly and someone loves you, it means they love you for who you are."
Rocket Racoon (Bradley Cooper) still maintains a sentimental but adorably tough persona. And Baby Groot is cute as ever whenever he says,"I am groot." In his baby-voice.
One of the more noticeable differences is the relationship between Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and Star-lord. It's not as intimate. We were all hoping for a sci-fi sex scene. We don't get it!
The fight scenes are nothing less than spectacular. There's a scene with Yondu (Michael Rooker) where he's using a whistle-controlled weapon to kill an entire space crew of villains ALL IN SLOW-MOTION!
Just go watch the film. It's worth it for the cgi-artwork alone.
“Guardian’s are back to save the galaxy once again”
I felt in this movie the true star was baby Groot the part that how he understands and gives out his understandings in his own style which makes us laugh out loud. Got to see a funny side in Drax the before edition he was always angry this one he always laughs I like the part he keeps saying positive things and suddenly ends it with a negative touch. Now to talk about gamora and quill love is in the air but she keeps denying it. Quills line “We keep searching for something our whole life and we never realize that it has been with us the whole time”. Always hated yondu but this movie made me change. Did not get to see Thanos, I know he is been kept for the big picture. Rockets awesome one liners especially TASERFACE made me burst out with laughter. An awesome family entertainer with action comedy and adventure. And not to forget mantis she was so freaking innocent. Waiting patiently for the next part in this series loved this one. would recommend this movie for everyone.
Notable Acting
Chris Pratt (Peter Quill/Star-Lord) famous for his acting in Jurassic World
Zoe Saldana (Gamora) famous for her acting in Avatar and Star Trek into darkness
Dave Bautista (Drax) he is a famous WWE wrestler and also acted in movies like 007 spectre
Vin Diesel (Baby Groot) famous for his movie series fast and furious
Bradley Cooper (Rocket) famous for his movies like silver linings playbook and the hangover
Michael Rooker (Yondu)
Karen Gillan (Nebula) famous for the movie Oculus and the tv series Doctor Who
Pom Klementieff (Mantis)
Kurt Russell (Ego) famous for his movies the hateful eight, the thing and death proof
My Rating 10/10
**Guardians' date with the creator.**
The first film was the most unexpected. That was one of the most colourfull space films I have ever seen. Youthful, energetic, fantastic visuals and so the same followed in this sequel as well. Not the same good, but stood to the expectation of the first film's success. This story does not have a great adventure in the galaxy. A simple quest, but a thrilling action-adventure. Now this accidental space gang is set to meet the creator.
It's time for Peter to meet his father, Ego. As he still upset with his mother's death, his encounter with his father was not as expectedly smooth. On the other side of the story, Rocket, Yandu, Baby Groot make their escape from the captivity. They all end up on the Ego's planet where the rest of the film going to take place. Being the guardians of the galaxy, their fight against the whoever threaten the safety of the universe once again tested with their strength as a team.
James Gunn did it again. And I'm confident that he's going to do the same for next as well. All the actors were fantastic like the previous film. This time, little fun with little Groot. Anybody who loved the first would love it too. Being a franchise from Marvel universe, it is yet to join the 'Avengers'. So far so good. I'm now expecting one of the best of best trilogies. Bring it on the volume 3.
I hate this movie. I'm fine and quite proud to be in the minority with this one. I can't stand how Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 thinks family dynamic is just two people bickering about how much daddy didn't love them as kids. It makes no sense to me why James Gunn or Marvel think that every scene needs to have multiple jokes thrown in no matter what the tone of the scene is supposed to be. Drax's overused laugh was annoying. Yes, I get it, Baby Groot is dumb. Hahaha.... Oh, now you're ugly shaming a character and playing it for jokes?
One note characters, a stupid plot of nothing interesting happening, and of course Starlord's father, a celestial, is nothing more than an evil being setting out to destroy the universe. Does Marvel not realize that villains can have other kinds of motivation?
The only two good things about this movie are the soundtrack and the fact that the events have no effect on the overarching MCU plot. So next time I do a Marvel marathon, I can skip over this trash.
This film is a big "watch and learn" nudge to poorly directed comic book films. James Gunn showed us how to effectively use humor to ante up the storytelling, and even took us to Slow-motion 101 Class.
I AM MARY POPPINS Y'ALL! Glorious cameos and easter eggs. Not gonna speak much about it to avoid spoilers. Great movie.
VISUALS VISUALS! VISUALS! If only my eyes and my head can take it, I would love to watch this on 3D. The team did a superb job on this one!
Awesome Mix Number 2 was amazing! The songs and how they were strategically scored in every scene set up the right mood. Got their playlist on repeat!
It feels like Vin Diesel influenced the film too much. His #FAMILY theme from the Fast and Furious franchise was all over the film!
You can clearly see that Marvel trusted James Gunn. Everything he did, even the slapstick-LooneyToon-ish kind of humor were perfect. He clearly had fun conceptualizing and visualizing everything.
Solid character development and motivation. Can't gush about it now to avoid spoilers. All I can say is: "Watch it."
Two words: BABY GROOT! Groot was there to make the nerds' wives and girlfriends stay and watch the film. He's cute, adorable and everything that your Disney princesses would love!
The villain, like any other Marvel villains except Loki, sucks. Unclear motivations + can be defeated by the power of love. You know, all that jazz. But aside from that, the entire movie was a very enjoyable watch.
Overall, the second installment delivered very well. It was crazier than the first film, and it was packed with better character development and AWESOME VISUALS! Must....resist spoiling the film.
Not as fun as the first one, but it was still jam-packed with all a Marvel movie will be: humor, action, drama, and BABY GROOT!
Baby Groot was so, so cute! Honestly, I'd pay to watch a whole movie with just Baby Groot as the focus.
What would you get when you put together a group of misfits and call it a day? Hilarious, full of classic songs and drama that you should not miss.
It is a pretty good sequel to Volume 1. What we thought to be an epic dad-son moment was just a facade, and honestly, to Quill, who just wanted a father all this time, it was a bit sad.
[HD] Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 2017 Film Izlemek
Kısa film
Harcandı : $824,146,907
Gelir : $993,373,153
Kategoriler : Liebe - Horrorfilm , Egal - Du Son , Kannibale - Barmherzigkeit , Heroisch - Reality Fear Object Magic
Üretici Ülke : Kroatien
Prodüksiyon : Lightbox
حراس المجرة 2 ويكيبيديا ~ عالم مارفل السينمائي الترتيب 15 ، وGuardians of the Galaxy film series لغات أخرى الترتيب 2، وMarvel Cinematic Universe Phase Three لغات أخرى الترتيب 3، وMarvel Cinematic Universe The Infinity Saga لغات أخرى الترتيب 15
غرير العسل ويكيبيديا ~ غُرَيْر العَسَل أو غريراء العسل بالفرنسية Ratelأو بالإنجليزية Honey Badger حيوان من جنس الغرير ينتمي إلى فصيلة ابن عرسيعيش في أفريقيا ومناطق جنوب وغرب آسيا مثل بلوشستان وشرق إيران وجنوب العراق والسعودية و جنوب سلطنة عمان
كوريا الجنوبية وأسلحة الدمار الشامل ويكيبيديا ~ الطموحات النووية المبكرة عندما أبلغت الولايات المتحدة حكومة كوريا الجنوبية بخطتها لسحب القوات الأمريكية من كوريا في يوليو 1970، درست كوريا الجنوبية إمكانية تأسيس برنامج نووي مستقل تحت إشراف لجنة تطوير الأسلحة في
فرقة بانزر ليهر ويكيبيديا ~ بانزر ليهر فرقة مدرعة ألمانية نخبوية خلال الحرب العالمية الثانيةتم تشكيلها في عام 1943 فصاعدًا من قوات التدريب المتمركزة في ألمانيا، لتوفير قوة مدرعة إضافية لغزو الحلفاء المتوقع لأوروبا الغربية
الجدول الزمني للنساء في الحرب والخدمة العسكرية في الولايات ~ 2 نوفمبر قُتلت فرانسيس فيغا، الجندية بجيش الولايات المتحدة، جراء صواريخ أرضجو أُطلقت من قبل مسلحين في الفلوجة، على طائرة هليكوبتر من طراز شينوك والتي كانت فيها
الخاقان بومين ويكيبيديا ~ هذه مقالة غير مراجعةينبغي أن يزال هذا القالب بعد أن يراجعها محرر عدا الذي أنشأها؛ إذا لزم الأمر فيجب أن توسم المقالة بقوالب الصيانة المناسبة نوفمبر 2012
ستيغانوغرافي ويكيبيديا ~ تعريف إخفاء المعلومات هو فن وعلم من كتابة الرسائل المخفية بطريقة لا أحد غير المرسل والمتلقي يشتبه في وجود الرسالة، وهو شكل من أشكال الأمن من خلال الغموضو ستيغانوغرافي الكلمة من أصل يوناني وتعني “الكتابة المخفية”
كلو بروس ويكيبيديا ~ كلو بروس شخصية خيالية، بدأت كلو بروس تدريبها في سن الثامنة بعد مشاهدة تدريب أخيها بدأت مع رياضة تانغ سو دو، وفي سن التاسعة قيل لها أنها أفضل من المتوسط، وعندما اصبح عمرها 10 سنوات كانت تشارك بالمنافسات وفازت بلقب WKA British
إيران وأسلحة الدمار الشامل ويكيبيديا ~ إيران وأسلحة الدمار الشامل من المواضيع التي سببت الصراعات بين الجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية مع بعض الحكومات الغربية حيث واجهت اتهامات عديدة من قبل هذه الدول متكررا بأنها تحاول التطوير الأسلحة البيولوجية
كريس برات ويكيبيديا ~ الحياة الشخصية التقى كريس برات بالممثلة آنا فاريس خلال تصوير فيلم خذني إلى المنزل الليلة في 2007 أعلنت خطوبتهما بعد سنتين وتزوجا في بالي في 9 يوليو 2009 وعاشا في منطقة هوليوود هيلز بلوس أنجلوس، كاليفورنيا
The Guardians must fight to keep their newfound family together as they unravel the mysteries of Peter Quill's true parentage.
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